Is it really any different from regular water?
Here’s what we know:
SmartWater is “vapour distilled” water. From what I can understand, pretty much all water is vapour distilled, meaning it originally came from clouds. According to their website, most SmartWater is procured from “municipal water systems.”
Then the SmartWater goes through a proprietary filtration process, that removes just about everything from the water except two H’s and an O.
SmartWater then adds back in the electrolytes calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, and potassium bicarbonate “for taste.” I think the “for taste” part is important because the nutrition label still reads 0 mg of sodium, and the amounts of electrolytes added have essentially zero “gatorade-effect”. In fact, the amount of electrolytes found in SmartWater is less than in other brands of “non-electrolyte-added” bottled waters. Two independent taste-testers (Bryn and I) could not taste any difference between SmartWater and Brita-filtered tap water.
They write in all lower case letters, which definitely seems trendy even if not necessarily “smart.”
It seems like the water in the SmartWater bottle isn’t anything amazing. It’s not going to raise your IQ or replenish your body of lost nutrients any more than any other water would.
So what really makes SmartWater smart?
It's business of course!
Selling Water is all about positioning! Nothing less...Nothing more!